project description
BusYouth aspires to give to young people that are employed or wish to be employed as entrepreneurs in the creative sector and more specifically the Applied Arts, the necessary skills in order to surpass barriers and flourish in this sector.
Young people especially in the creative sector tend to be self-employed rather than being employees in cultural and creative organisations. Nevertheless, they present a lot of basic skills gaps referring to entrepreneurship as to how to establish and sustain a business. This project will try to overcome the specific barriers and additionally, help them support and enhance their network.
What makes BusYouth innovative
The project is considered innovative as it includes elements as setting the specifications in terms of competencies for the requirements of the young creative entrepreneurs and in parallel, for providing a multilingual and multifunctional e-platform,
addressed to creative young people, and providing information on learning material and networking potentials.
BusYouth will also organize a wide outreach, through the e-platform and Social Media channels, for the purpose of reaching potential beneficiaries from all around Europe. Using innovative promotion techniques, such as Email Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, and Social Media Marketing techniques, the project will use digital outreach as the main way to attract learners.
a strong potential impact
The project is likely to produce outcomes that may be relevant also for other fields of education, training, youth or sport than the field that is expected to be most impacted by the project. The key outcomes in the project will provide complementary and sustainable development options for professionals.
Not only the young creative entrepreneurs will be using the newly acquired skills of an agent, methods, and tools to enhance their performance, but also these will be backed up and reinforced with practical resources and methodologies through the networking e-platform available for other fields.